Monday, September 8, 2008

My Maamu is a slave driver: Imran Khan

After slogging his way to stardom with his producer-uncle's guidance in Jaane Tu…Ya Jaane Na Imran Khan is all set to do yet another film with his exacting uncle."Yes I'm finally doing Delhi Belly, and never mind if my Maamu is a bit of a slave-driver, " jokes Imran. "But seriously I'm actually thrilled to be doing Delhi Belly. The work with Aamir is always great. And after Jaane Tu …we're doing something totally different this time."Delhi Belly to be directed ad-maker Abhinay Deo is a sex comedy about a young foreign-returned dude's adventures in the Capital. Ranbir Kapoor was finalized for the role before date hassles cropped up.Ironically Imran says he was the first choice but had to opt out due to a dates problem."I had met the director for Delhi Belly about 6-7 months ago and he had even screen-tested me. But there was a major MAJOR date hassles.Since my dates were locked in for Luck I requested the Delhi Belly guys to adjust accordingly. But they were unable to adjust their dates according to my schedule.And since I had combination dates for Luck with Mithuda and Sanju Baba I had given up the idea of doing Delhi Belly."But some "luck' this."Ya, you can say that again. My Luck dates were pre-poned and Delhi Belly dates were shifted forward. So I'm finally doing the film. Kehte hain daane-daane pe likha hai khaane wale ka naam. The same goes for roles, I guess."Any regrets about not being in Abbas Tyrewala's next film?Imran is unfazed. "No regrets at all. After Jaane Tu… Abbas is a dear friend. If he needs me for a film he'll call me. I'm now working with other directors. He's working with other actors.We aren't in a space where we need to sit and cry because we aren't working together. There's so much stuff happening to me I've no time to brood over what I'm not doing.Fortunately I've people in my life like my mom and my girlfriend to keep me grounded. "
Ends Imran, "Right now I'm in South Africa. After I finish Luck and start my Uncle's Delhi Belly I plan to take a break.".

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